Uses: ZAP-O Xtra CA+ is a premium odorless non-irritating CA providing shockproof, full strength and water-resistant bonds. If you are one of the unfortunate people that are sensitive to or have allergic type reactions to the odors given off when regular CAs set, then ZAP-O Xtra CA+ is for you. ZAP-O Xtra CA+ has the same gap filling properties as the regular ZAP-A-GAP CA+ but without the fumes. ZAP-O Xtra CA+ works great on balsa, plywood, bass wood and most other modeling and hobby materials. ZAP-O Xtra CA+ is also great for craft work when gluing foam shapes or various materials to foam products. If you are sensitive, the ZAP-O Xtra CA+ odorless non-irritating formula lets you work quickly without suffering. Helpful Hints: ZAP-O Xtra CA+ is a gap filling formula, however it will penetrate into porous woods and materials, therefore a couple of applications may be necessary to totally fill in a large gap or crack. ZAP-O Xtra CA+ will take longer to cure when gluing foam to foam... tape or pin the foam pieces together and allow time to cure. To speed the cure time of ZAP-O Xtra CA+ when gluing foam, accelerate using FOAM SAFE ZIP KICKER. To speed the cure time of ZAP-O Xtra CA+ when working with wood and other non-foam materials, accelerate using ZIP KICKER. When using on fiberglass cloth or fabric, spread ZAP-O Xtra CA+ across the material with an old playing card, business card, or a soft plastic spreader such as our LHC-05. For critical applications test sample joints for designed strength requirements. Note: ZAP-O Xtra CA+ is a premium alternative for those individuals that have reactions to the fumes given off by regular CA type glues. Some individuals may still have a reaction to ZAP-O Xtra CA+. If you do, discontinue use immediately, see your physician or allergist, you may be allergic to one or more of the components common to all CA glues. |