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NEWS FLASH... Check out our DISCOUNT LINKS and SAVE 15-70+% on Adhesives, Servos, Chargers, RC ARF Floats and MORE!! > Consumers > Canada - $CDN > ADHESIVES - ZAP CYANO, SUPERGLUE, EPOXY & MORE > CYANO SPECIALTY_CHILD RESIST

FOR SPECIAL BONDING APPLICATIONS - CHILD RESISTANT   FOR SPECIAL BONDING APPLICATIONS. * ZAP-RT (Rubber Toughened) is extremely strong and has more flexibility. Works on just about anything! * TIREZAP helps secure RC model tires to their rims. Low blush formulation reduces residue on rubber! Plasti-ZAP works on plastic and vinyl! Low blush formulation reduces residue around the joint. * POLYZAP works on Lexan, ABS, Styrene, most Acrylics. * Accelerate with Zip Kicker. > POLY-ZAP 14 ml (1/2 oz) PT-22 {pac-prices}
POLY-ZAP    14  ml (1/2 oz)                  PT-22 {pac-prices}

POLY-ZAP 14 ml (1/2 oz) PT-22 {pac-prices}

Part # PAC-POLY14 (rn_cr)

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    POLY ZAP Is a specialty CA adhesive developed for use on today's newer plastics. Lexan is one of the more difficult plastics to bond, and POLY ZAP was developed to solve that problem. POLY ZAP also works with delron, polycarbonate, ABS, styrene, nylon, and most acrylics. It works on may types of films and painted surfaces. Its perfect for today's ARF type models. ABS cowls, canopies, lexan car bodies, fiberglass repair, model boat parts, and automotive trim are just a few of the many applications for POLY ZAP. 

    Helpful Hints: 

    Apply small drops of POLY ZAP to one surface only then mate the parts. For large or long seams apply small drops 1/4 to 1/2 inches apart, one side only, along the entire seam, then join parts. Be careful to keep your fingers away from the glued joints until cured, this glue will bond your skin instantly to your model. To prevent fogging of clear parts do not use an accelerator. If you want to use ZIP KICKER, apply very small amounts with a fine brush or tooth pick. You do not need to apply kicker to the entire joint. When repairing fiberglass, spread POLY ZAP evenly over the entire area and let cure. For critical applications test sample joints for designed strength requirements.

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    Richmond RCSupplyStoreA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd.ZapGlueA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd. (604) 940-1066